Guide to Buying DLCs

Total EU4 DLCs (excluding cosmetic packs) - 17

TIER 1 DLCs (Most important)

Wealth of Nations

Trade focus: Trade conflict CB; Privateering; Main trade city; Trade companies.

Religion Changes:. Deities for Hindu; Fervor for Reformed.

Misc: Can construct Suez, Kiel and Panama canals.

Art of War

Military Focus: Navy- mothball fleets. Upgrade fleets. Sell fleet. Automatic transport.

March- Military centered vassals.

Peace- Allies expect provinces when called into war with promise of land. Allies can be directed to siege particular provinces. On peace treat, revoke claims and war reparations.

Siege- Sortie mechanic.

Subject military focus.

Army builder- template.

CB- Support rebels CB. Can use Subjects’ claims as CB.

Client states- special vassals at Diplo tech 22.

Religious league wars mechanic and event chain.

Can cancel idea group.

Can give up core.

Revolutionary mechanic and disaster.

Common Sense

Government Updates: Government ranks. Theocracies. Parliaments.

Religious Updates: Protestant church power. Buddhist karma.

HRE: Remove electorate. Grant free city status.

Can return provinces.

New subject interactions.

Can dismiss advisors.

The Cossacks

Set attitude against other nations.

Set places on interest.

Trust and favors mechanic.

Update on Horde mechanics: Tengri religion update. Horde unity and razing. New estates. Cossacks govt.

Can convert culture convert.

Set Native policy for colonization.

Can threaten war.


Government reforms.

Updated policies.

Updated trade companies: Investments. Trade center upgrades.

Charter company.

New missions and estates for Indian nations.

Mughals culture assimilation mechanic.


El Dorado

Can play as custom nations.

Religious updates: Nahuatl, Inti, Mayan religions.

Naval exploration.

Explore seven cities.

Colonization updates: Get merchant from colonies. Treasure fleet. Treaty of Tordesillas.

Trade updates: Pirate hunting. Inland trade.

Rights of Man

Religious updates: Fetishit cults. Coptic holy sites.

Ruler personalities.

Leader traits.


New Prussian government.

Great powers mechanic.

Mandate of Heaven

Ages and golden era.

Emperor of China mechanics: Mandate. Tributaries.

Updates to Daimyo and Shogunate.

Manchu banners.

Confucian harmony.

Diplomatic macrobuilder.



Conquest of Paradise

New world focus.

Random New World.

New tribal nations mechanics: Migration, federation, reforms, native ideas.

Res Publica

Republics focus.

Dutch republics.

Merchant republics: Factions, Trading post.

Elective monarchy heirs.

Dictatorship in republics.

Can set monarch point generation focus.

Mare Nostrum

Mediterranean focus.

Berber raids.

Can steal maps.

Updated naval actions.

Unconditional surrender.

Espionage updates: Affects siege. Can slander merchant. Can sabotage recruitment. Can corrupt officials. Counterespionage.

Trade updates: Mercantilism. Main Trade city.



Third Rome (Immersion Pack)

Russian focus.

New Russian governments.

Orthodox Icons. Metropolitans.

Streltsy Units.

Siberian frontier.

New Russian missions.

Cradle of civilization

Middle east focus.

New governments.

Can set trade node policy.

New Islamic schools.

Army professionalism. Drilling.

Can exploit development

Iqta bonuses.

Janissary Units.

Rule Britannia (Immersion Pack)

British focus.

New British and Gaelic missions.

Industrial revolution (coal trade good).


Naval doctrines.

Anglican religion.

Knowledge sharing.

American Dream

Events related to US. Older DLC you need to google to find the steam link.

Purple Phoenix

Events and mission tree for Byzantium. Another old DLC, which you can get with the Pre-order pack. Again google for it and you will find the steam link.

Top 3 – Art of War, Wealth of Nations, The Cossacks.

*Immersion packs include the unit and music packs for that particular region.